Videos and Media
Have you ever searched the internet for videos on Neuropathy? There are hundreds–with a variety of quality and credibility (and suitability for consumption by us laypeople). We are building a collection on this page of videos and presentations on a variety of topics, hoping that the list will be valuable to you. When items become obsolete, we will remove them or mark them as having been overcome by better, more recent information.

Eating healthier. Dr. Bryn Miller gives good information on nutrition and eating better at the 2022 Western Neuropathy Association conference.

LIVING WITH NEUROPATHY: Tingling Hands and Feet
In this video, Dr. Aditi Ahlawat, Milford Regional Neurology group, shares information and causes about tingling and numbness in hands and feet (a common symptom of neuropathy). She also talks about a mimic condition called ridiculopathy. (35:00)

Lucy Dunning and Jenevieve Wardell, of Blue Sky Family Counseling, discuss the importance of Cognition Behavioral Therapy.This unedited recording is from our January 2021 PNSN meeting.

Dr. Shanna Patterson talks about Living Well with Neuropathy. By the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy. (40:00)
Chair QiGong for PN Patients. By the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy. (40:00)
Dr. John Ratcliffe on Peripheral Neuropath Basics. By the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy. (40:00)
Heidi Garvis Presentation on Falling. From Caring Considerations.
What a Neuropathy Patient Needs to Know, Part 1. From the Western Neuropathy Association.
What a Neuropathy Patient Needs to Know, Part 2. From the Western Neuropathy Association.

Neuropathic Relief for the Hands. Doctor Jo gives tips on relieving neuropathic numbness and pain in hands and feet.