Member Benefits

There are many benefits when you join the DCPN Group

1) Meet other members, who share information with one another and discover healthy lifestyle changes and coping strategies

2) Hear dynamic speakers who offer help and support and news about new methods, research, and lifestyle changes that can improve your quality of life

3) Access to our mailing list, which regularly sends links to helpful articles from breaking research

4) Notification of various events designed to support members

5) Ability to use our website to communicate with other members through comments and posts

How to become a member

It’s simple. We have very few requirements. We just want to get people together who share Peripheral Neuropathy.

Just fill out our brief membership form to join our list. You’ll begin to receive helpful information and notifications about future meetings.

It’s good to have answers.


A group like ours will always run on the energy of its volunteers. We don’t have paid staff, but depend upon the kindness of dozens of members who give a few hours per month to share their skills.

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