
Benefits · Recognition · Volunteer

A number of volunteer roles can be very helpful in managing a group. For a local groups, the following roles, or offices, are useful. Each roles can be shared among several members and, in smaller groups, several roles could be consolidated. When sharing roles, it should be made clear who has overall responsibility for the role

Roles for a community group include:

  • Moderate the meetings 
  • Help the moderator during meetings and events
  • Invite people to meetings and events and maintain the mailing list
  • Program speakers and presentations 
  • Manage the money 
  • Create meeting and event notes to provide a history of the group

Here is a brief explanation of each role: 

Group Leader – manages overall affairs of the group (this could best be shared among two people who could divide up duties) (about 10 hours per month)

Media Coordinator – manages mass mailing tool, edits web presence, acts as Zoom technician, and post social media (about 3 hours per month)

Program/Speaker Coordinator – working with the PNSN, researches and arranges programs and speakers of interest for guest speaker meetings (about 3 hours per month)

Secretary, Notetaker,  Report Writer – to provide a written record of group actions, and keep an archive of group history and proceedings  (about 3 hours per month)

Volunteer Coordinator – finds and trains members who want to help with group activities (about 4 hours per month)

Membership Coordinator – operates membership database, maintains and “cleans” membership list, contact members when necessary, send mass mailings, followup with new attendees to assure their engagement, correspond with members and inquirers (about 3 hours per month)

Treasurer – manages bank account, collects dues and donations, distributes funds, pays invoices (about 2 hours per month)

Board members – defined as a group of individuals with needed skills who can advise group leaders, help perform needed tasks, and act as liaisons to the larger community

Ambassador -seeks out people and situations for new group development, meets with local leaders to make sure the group can be sustained (4 hours per month)

Fundraiser – seeks out funding sources for group activities, generates justification and requests for funds, and works with the treasurer to collect these donations, grants, endowments, and other gifts

For Network positions, the roles are similar but some roles are expanded, such as:

  1. Executive Director
  2. Treasurer
  3. Media Coordinator
  4. Ambassador to local groups
  5. Fundraiser 
  6. Board members
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