2019-Sept-7 -Our Biggest Crowd Ever(estimates range from 65 to 80) came to hear Dr.Perry Richardson, a neurology professor and researcher at George Washington U. Medical School. Because of the topics he agreed to address (and because he seemed like such a nice guy) we were excited to have him.

SO, we decided to make his visit A Bid Deal! We called on our new bunch of volunteers, got people to bring food, used our new MailChimp email system, drove our new publicity team nuts, printed lots of handouts, used our smartphone video recorder and wireless microphones, and just generally pushed and pushed until our pushers were bushed.

Why were we excited? Perhaps most interesting for us, Dr. Richardson has a major role in teaching future neurologists and establishing curriculum standards for the University’s medical students of all kinds.

He also agreed to talk about new technology designed to inexpensively screen for the most common forms of PN. That technology may allow PN to be routinely found very early, when exercise and patient counseling are most beneficial. That, it is hoped, could lead to big reductions in the years of healthy life lost to PN, while sparking a large increase in public awareness and research support. He DID address doctor training in PN diagnosis and the new screening tools, .And so much more. For two hours, he kept us glued to our seats as he went through his presentation and answered many questions. Such a nice, polite guy!

Here are the slides of his full presentation <PDF>,

But we had ambitions to do better! We tried recording his presentation on our high-tech smartphone. We were hoping to entice some volunteer(s) to take the recording (voice and video) and the PowerPoint and turn it into a video that goes through the slides he used and the lively Q&A.

It was not to be. Our technical skills proved inadequate and the recordings were not usable.

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