Chuck Barnhart

Chuck Barnhart is 69 years old and has had PN for over 11 years. There are many challenges to having PN but he has managed to deal successfully so far with it and do many things in spite of it.

He was present at the beginning of the Metro construction and did some explosive gas monitoring in the tunnels. He lived in Takoma Park and then Adelphi near New Hampshire Ave. and the Beltway. From DC, Chuck moved to Cleveland, OH in 1977 and then to Pennsylvania in 1984.

He graduated from Penn State University in 1974 in environmental science and soon went to work for the DC government environmental health department across from the GPO at Capitol and H Sts.

Chuck is a retired certified construction safety and industrial health professional for 5 ½ years after a 40-year working career within the chemical, electric utility, and consulting industries. He is married to his wife Donna for over 45 years. Along with Donna, Chuck bikes and hikes and attends Yoga class two times per week.

Chuck is an avid fly fisherman for over 31 years, but he has had to recently restrict his fly fishing because of balance issues in some rocky streams.

In his retirement, Chuck has traveled to many national parks and other areas including Yosemite, Sequoia, Monterey, Bryce Canyon, Capital Reef, Zion, Denali, Glacier National, Yellowstone, Bad Lands, Acadia, Wind Cave, Everglades, Dry Tortugas (off coast of Key West), Key Biscayne, Park City, Utah, Cuyahoga Falls (Cleveland, OH), and Trappers Lake (Colorado) wilderness area. These trips have been much fun and exhilarating as well as a challenge to cope with PN at times.

His philosophy is to keep pushing himself as much as possible and keep on going with exercise and travel. His wife is an inspiration to him to not be a quitter and keep on going to literally greater heights. He wants very much to help people cope as best they can with PN based on his experience because the zoom meetings and the people attending them have been so helpful to him.

Chuck wants to acknowledge the late Bruce Malkin for being the one to initially contact him to speak to our group.

Donna Barnhart

Donna Barnhart is a 68-year-old retired elementary school teacher.  She has been a life-long exercise enthusiast. A runner in her past life, she now walks, hikes, bikes, Zumbas, and does yoga on a regular basis.  Her motto is “keep moving!”  Since their retirement, Donna has planned many short and long trips to state parks and national parks.  That’s her way of keeping Chuck on his feet and inspiring him to keep moving forward.

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