The purpose of Footnotes is to alert our members to current news and information of potential interest to patients and their caregivers. It will be included in our monthly meeting invitation and posted on our website: pnsnetwork.org
December 2022 | November 2022 | October 2022 |
September 2022 | August 2022 |
August 2022
Blog Entries on the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy website:
Small Fiber Neuropathy: Q and A with Afro Stino, MD
Also: Patient Stories Dana’s Story: My Personal Journey with Small Fiber Neuropathy:
Fact Sheet: Essential Neuropathy Websites: pnhelp.org
Glenn Ribotsky’s presentation at Western Neuropathy Association Annual Conference, May 2022. Describes purpose and content overview for 10+ websites addressing neuropathy concerns.
Recording of webinar on YouTube: “July Webinar with Glenn Ribotsky”
September 2022
Bethesda/Chevy Chase PN Support Group Meeting, Thursday, 9/15/22 at 7:00 pm (ET); presentation by Dr. Brett McCray, Asst. Professor of Neurology, Johns Hopkins. Details are on our Event calendar. To join, contact Steve Klitzman at steve.klitzman@gmail.com.
Pittsburgh PN Support Group Meeting, Wednesday, 9/21 at 6:30 pm (ET); open discussion, Details are on our Event calendar.
The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy webinar: “Demystifying Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy,” was 9/7 at 11:00 am (ET). Watch for a recorded version.
Article in Brain and Life: “Boost Balance to Reduce Falls and Build Confidence,” by John Hand, August/September 2022 print issue or at BRAINANDLIFE.ORG
Please join our Facebook group On Your Feet; comments and questions welcome!
Check the Events calendar on our website at https://pnsnetwork.org for future events.
October 2022
Bethesda/Chevy Chase PN Support Group Meeting, Thursday, 10/20/22 at 7:00 pm (ET); presentation by Dr. Brett McCray, Asst. Professor of Neurology, Johns Hopkins. To join, contact Steve Klitzman at steve.klitzman@gmail.com.
Pittsburgh PN Support Group Meeting, Wednesday, 10/19/22 at 6:30 pm (ET). The speaker is chiropractor Eric Auslander, DC of Auslander Health Solutions. Details are on our Event calendar.
The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy webinar: “Hereditary Neuropathy and Genetic Testing,” Thursday,10/6 at 2:00-3:00 (ET).
“Polyneuropathy and hATTR,” Thursday, 10/27. Time and details to be posted on the Foundation website closer to the date.
Two interesting articles in the June 2022 newsletter of the Western Neuropathy Association, Neuropathy Hope: “Research Insights: The Gut’s Role in Neuropathic Pain” (P. 1) and “Pets, Mental Health and Pain” (P. 5).
Please join our Facebook group On Your Feet; comments and questions welcome!
Check the Events calendar on our website at https://pnsnetwork.org for future events.
November 2022
Opportunity to Participate in CIPN Research Study
Dr. William Collinge, Phd, MPH, is directing a National Cancer Institute-sponsored research project to develop a caregiver education program on chemo-induced peripheral neuropathy. He is seeking individual CIPN patients and advocates (spouse/partner/family member) to attend a one-hour focus group meeting (via Zoom) to give input into the development of the instructional program.
Participants will receive an honorarium of $75 for providing feedback and recommendations. If interested, see Dr. Collinge’s flyer on our website: https://pnsnetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/CIPNstudyinvitation.pdf
Blog Article on Hereditary Neuropathy and Genetic Testing
As a follow up to the October 6, 2022 FPN webinar, “Hereditary Neuropathy and Genetic Testing,” Lindsey Colbert , Executive Director, interviews Sami Khella, MD and Shauna Feely, MD, LGC, webinar presenters.
Download your PNSN Annual Report
The Peripheral Neutopathy Support Network has posted its annual report. Download your copy here.
On Your Feet
Please join our Facebook group On Your Feet; comments and questions welcome!
Check the Events calendar on our website at https://pnsnetwork.org for future events.
December 2022
This month, we have several opportunities to learn about lifestyle changes that can positively affect your neuropathy management.
Food and fitness go together! With SilverSneakers, you can choose from dozens of different Community classes, visit a participating fitness location, or join one of our 20+ SilverSneakers LIVE online classes. Check your eligibility here. (Silver Sneakers classes andworkshops, both in person and online, are available to adults 65+ through select Medicare plans)
Also, consider registering for AARP local events:

Finally, a new book on Neuropathy is getting a lot of attention:

From Amazon: This book is an updated 2022 edition that was previously published as the American Academy of Neurology Quality of Life Guide “Peripheral Neuropathy, When the Numbness, Weakness and Pain Won’t Stop“.
The book is written for people with peripheral neuropathy and for those that care for them. It describes how the peripheral nerves work, explains the symptoms, reviews the different causes and types of neuropathy, and discusses their treatments. It also includes stories by people with neuropathy, who were willing to share their personal struggles with the disease in the hope that their experiences will help others.
The author, Norman Latov, MD,PhD is Professor of Neurology and former Director of the Neuropathy Clinical and Research Center and the Laboratory of Peripheral Nerve Immunology at Weill Cornell Medicine, and prior to that at Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons. He was also a founding member, member of the board of directors, and Medical and Research Director of the Neuropathy Association that was subsequently merged into the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy.
Fifteen percent of the net revenues generated from the sale of this book will be donated to the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy in support of their research activities.