Join Now

Want to help yourself by helping others who suffer from Peripheral Neuropathy? Then become a member Peripheral Neuropathy Support Network (PNSN). Registration is FREE and there are a dozens of ways to volunteer.

By joining, you are becoming part of a group that is not only educating itself about neuropathy, but you are helping other groups around the country start and maintain their own groups.

The PNSN is a 501©(3) non-profit, tax deductible charity.

Member Benefits

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  1. Meet other members, who share information with one another and discover healthy lifestyle changes and coping strategies
  2. Hear dynamic speakers who offer help and support and news about new methods, research, and lifestyle changes that can improve your quality of life
  3. Access our news, research, and other announcements, as well as well as our blog links to helpful articles
  4. Get notified of various events designed to support members
  5. Use our social media to communicate with other members through comments and posts

Just fill out our brief membership form to join our list. You’ll begin to receive helpful information and notifications about future meetings.

It’s good to have answers.

Want to help build our group? Then contribute with an ongoing or one-time financial donation.

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