Join Our Network
The Peripheral Neuropathy Support Network (PNSN) is an established community support organization of local groups. Most of our members are from the Mid-Atlantic USA but we are not limited by geography. We invite you to join.
Here are some typical questions we hear a lot.

Who makes up PNSN?
We are ordinary folks who have Peripheral Neuropathy. We are not physicians, researchers, or specialists, although many of us are trying to become as knowledgeable about this disease as we can be. Some of us are care givers, spouses, and children of neuropathy patients.
We try to exchange information with each other about treatments and lifestyle changes that enhance our life and ways of managing pain. We listen to “subject matter” experts (guest speakers) who speak to us on various topics from Acupuncture to coping technologies to vitamin supplements.
We operate this website, which tries to be a collection of helpful information for anyone who is interested.
When do you meet?
We usually meet monthly (or so). During COVID-19 isolation, we are mostly meeting through Zoom, a videoconferencing platform. Meetings are being held during the daytime and nighttime, on weekends and during the week, to help accommodate different schedules. Meetings might feature a speaker or panel, but we try to allocate a lot of time for personal discussion. See our calendar for a current schedule of meeting days and times through the network.
Is this just for people in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic?
No. Because we meet via Zoom, anyone anywhere can participate. Zoom offers a connection through the internet to get on-line. Or, every call offers a regular phone line for audio-only participation.
Of course, personal face-to-face support is our goal. Retirement villages are made up of folks who live in the same “bubble’. This may allow for personal sessions where people can exchange information and talk about their experience.
NOTE: It is imperative that you JOIN our membership list to receive invitations to events.
How do I get involved?
We are always looking for new members. Just fill in our JOIN! form to get on our mailing list. This will enable you to know about our meetings and receive
We are always looking for volunteers, who make the group possible. Even if no have an interest but no skill set, we can train you. See our volunteers page for tasks that need doing.
Why join our group?
PN is a very complicated condition. It exhibits different symptoms for different people, has disparate variety of causes, and an ongoing array of “cures” and practices that may or may not work.
The medical community is not well-versed in Neuropathy and medical staff may have varying degrees of responses to emerging research. We have found that, even though Neuropathy is a pervasive disease, affecting over 3% of the population, many physicians are not knowledgable about its causes and treatments.Various treatments work for different people. Talking together in our group (in between doctor visits) helps us keep up with the growing body of knowledge that is emerging.
We have found that the earlier you can get a firm diagnosis and start treating your symptoms, the better you can forestall its implications.
Join the network today! It’s free.
Hello: I am a resident of Toronto, Canada and currently suffering from neuropathy type symptoms affecting both feet. These symptoms are numbing and tingling, which I have endured for the last two years. I have not been formally diagnosed with neuropathy, and would like to have an actual workup done to determine the severity of the neuropathy and what the cause may be. I am contemplating going to either the Mayo Clinic or John Hopkins Medical Center in order to be assessed. Would you be able to provide some perspective with respect to which is the better diagnostic and treatment Center to have this initial assessment? Lastly, can you please indicate if I can join your support group and be able to connect remotely? I look forward to your response.
Leon Damonze
Leon Damonze,
Thanks for your inquiry. Regarding the Neuropathy diagnosis, someone will get back to you privately.
Regarding the other questions, yes, you may join remotely. Surely, there must be many groups closer than we are geographically, but during the pandemic, we’re using Zoom to meet so distance is no issue.
I have added your name to our data base so that you will receive notification of our next meeting. These are two hour sessions once every month or so. We usually either have a subject matter expert who speaks, or we discuss treatments among ourselves.
We are happy you found our group. Welcome aboard.
Judson Vaughn
Please send me information on joining you in ZOOM.
Thanks for your interest in DCPN.
Joining is easy. Just go to our JOIN page (click link in the righthand column) and fill in your contact information.
We will invite you to our future meetings and send you helpful information about PN.
If you have need additional information at any time, please reach us at or just write us here.
Judson Vaughn
I am a cancer patient with neuropathy caused by chemotherapy.
Sherry, I also have CIPN and have been fighting it for several years. I was very active in the support group and was on a panel at NI for an evnt on neuropathy. I was so glad to see the Dana Faber study. It is very helpful. I am very active and I am always looking for new findings. Who have you found to be the best doctor in the Washington DC area who is truly interested in the treatment of CIPN?
Thank you for your consideration of this request.
Sally I. Bukema
I’ve had PN for over 14 years. How do I join?
I’m forwarding the Oct 5th invitation to you.
There is a link on the Home page of that takes you to the join page to get future invites.
But here is the direct link to the join page.
Mike Foxworth
I very much enjoyed the Zoom meeting today and will be looking forward to the next one in September. I think I probably joined your organization earlier
but just forgot about it.
Thanks for a very enjoyable and learning experience!
We are glad. We can use more help.
Mike Foxworth
I suffer from chemo induce neuropathy and have no rlief.
I will forward the October Invitation to you. If you have not joined, please do so. That way you can get the invitations to join our meetings.
Mike Foxworth
Hello, I’ve suffered from chronic pain from peripheral neuropathy in my feet for more than 25 years. It has recently been developing in my hands which gives me great anxiety and concern. How do I join a local support group? I’ve followed the links provided but don’t see how to join any groups. Please advise. Thank you.