
Footnotes is a section of the website where we feature news, announcements, items, media notices, and is a general collection of current information. It is a kind of dynamic newsletter. Keep up to date with Footnotes.
Issue 9 – May 2021
Updates from the Peripheral Neuropathy Support Network
A warm thank you to Heidi Garvis, Co-Owner/Founder of Caring Considerations, for her informative talk on Planning for Care As We Age at our May 1 meeting. Heidi’s presentation provided a wealth of information on Continuing Care Retirement Communities (CCRC), Assisted and Independent Living homes and apartments, and Living with Your Family as options to consider. Finding the “right fit” and considering costs and wait lists were all discussed. Her handouts are available on our website. She may be contacted at or at 571-437-9396.
Lauren Perea, with Old Dominion Home Care, was unable to join us due to WiFi problems. We hope to hear from her on home care services in the coming months. She can be reached at (703) 273-0422.
May Happy Hour
Our next Happy Hour will be held on Thursday, May 20, 2021, at 7pm. The focus continues to be on socializing and giving members a chance to know each other better.
June PNSN Meeting
Our June 5, 2021 meeting will primarily be an “open discussion” session. We will also be reporting on the first of several planned General Members’ Surveys. The purpose is to gauge how well we are meeting members’ needs and ask for input going forward.
News from The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy
Peripheral Neuropathy Awareness Week
Spread the Word * Share the Facts * Tell Your Story
May 9 – 16 is Peripheral Neuropathy Awareness Week. Part of the emphasis this year is to get PN sufferers to tell their story through a quick video presentation. Several activities are planned, including articles, a webinar, and a request for PN sufferers to create their own video. Find out more here:
Create Your Own Video!
You may submit a 30-second video clip, in a vertical format, “telling people what we want them to know about PN” to the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy. See Michael Wright’s announcement on his Facebook Page, PN Success Stories” for details.
Webinar on Foot Care sponsored by FPN:
3:00 P.M. ET on May 20, 2021; Registration:
Report of April Webinar on PN and Mental Health, especially in light of Covid 19 Pandemic
PN Resources May Meeting
CJ Holliday will hold their monthly “open discussion” Zoom meeting at 4:00 on Monday, May 10. Write to CJ at for an invitation. Also listen to Cj’s and De De’s newest Podcast on “Bathroom Safety” at…/episodes/PNR-Episode-2-erbsuk
Family Caregiver Resources
From Michael Foxworth as seen on the AARP website: “Family Caregiver Resources” for Virginia
“AARP developed this family caregiver guide with you, the caregiver, in mind and as a starting point to help you find the services and support you might need throughout your journey.”
See for details on downloading or ordering a hard copy.
From Bruce Malkin: Folded Proteins
Bruce Malkin has brought the following to our attention:
I think that faulty or mutant (badly folded) proteins are the source of neuropathies. This article discusses how a new AI software called AlphaFold 2 is being used to diagnose amino acids to find the structure of their proteins, which could lead to an explanation of Alzheimer’s disease and other related protein-based problems.
Getting eight hours sleep, (for example, from 11 PM to 7 AM) every night consistently seven days a week is the best way to get a refreshing night’s sleep. I also take 3 mg of melatonin about one hour before I go to bed to help me fall sleep. I thought this might be interesting for you to know.