Home Forums Meetings August Meeting -Floris


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  • #21985
    Judson Vaughn


    1. I thought the August meeting went well. With Bill moderating, Mike and Jud setting up the hybrid meeting, and Rebecca covering the waiting room and watching for raised hands, it seemed to go smoothly.

    2. At 2:10pm, we had 27 connections and at nearly 4pm, we still had 21 connections.

    3. This was a test run for when we have a mixed in-person and Zoom participants (hybrid). All technology performed well. The Floris church Wi-Fi was strong. We met in the Wesley Room, which will easily accommodate 50 attendees. For the test, we had one “live” audience member.

    4. We had four cameras (for both head table and audience video coverage (two laptop cameras and two iPhone cameras on tripods). We will need extra microphones to accommodate audience partipation. Also, we should consider a multi-channel audio mixer for the various mics.

    5. The Polycom box worked well. It certainly could be heard by everyone in the room. And Mike was able to speak from the audience and have the Zoom audience hear him.

    6. The Wesley Room was cold. Bring a sweater!

    7. The meeting ended early (about 3:45) but Overtime was well-attended with new people who wanted additional information.


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