B/CC PN Support Group

Message from the PN Support Group of Bethesda/Chevy Chase, MD.:

Thank you to the many who attended the initial Peripheral Neuropathy Support Group of Bethesda/Chevy Chase on 11/18/21. We hope you found it informative.  A number of you joined our second, open discussion session, via Zoom, on 12/16/21. We appreciated hearing from several members about their personal PN journeys, and hope that the sharing of information was useful. This represents the first active PN Support Group in Maryland in many years!
The next Peripheral Neuropathy Support Group of Bethesda/Chevy Chase meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 20th at 7:00 pm. We will continue to meet on Zoom, due to Covid. Email Steve.Klitzman@gmail.com to be added to the mailing list and receive an invitation. The speaker will be Dr. Brett McCray, assistant professor of Neurology at the Johns Hopkins Medical Center. Dr. McCray will speak on Hereditary PN and Possible Connections to Other Types of PN.

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