Dr. Hoke presented at the first Bethesda/Chevy Chase (B/CC PN Support Group) meeting on November 18, 2021

Dr. Ahmet Hoke

What is being done to minimize the burden of peripheral neuropathy (PN) on patients, their families and society? What can be done to improve both primary care standards for PN and medical school education about the prevention and later the progression of the disease?

Dr. Ahmet Hoke, Professor of Neurology and Director of the Neuromuscular Division at Johns Hopkins University Hospital and Medical School, covered these topics at the initial meeting of the Bethesda/Chevy Chase PN Support Group. A Q&A session followed Dr. Hoke’s presentation.

In addition to his research on treatment of neuromuscular disease and pain, Dr. Hoke plays a major role in the education and training of future doctors, both primary and neurological.

A recording of Dr. Hoke’s presentation can be viewed at

For further information, please contact group leader, Steve Klitzman at steve.klitzman@gmail.com, Mobile: 202-277-9509, Home: 301-312-6557.

From 2010-2019, Steve was the leader of the only other public PN support group in the entire DMV area, the PN Support Group of Metro DC.

This presentation was made possible with the help of Suburban Hospital and the Peripheral Neuropathy Support Network. A second meeting of the B/CC PN Support Group will be held on December 16 at 7:00 PM (ET). Contact Steve (steve.klitzman@gmail.com to register.

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