About Us
Currently, due to the pandemic, we are meeting via Zoom, the videoconferencing service.
Our mission is to provide understanding, support and inspiration to individuals living with Peripheral Neuropathy (PN), a life-long, sometimes painful, nerve numbness disease that can lead to serious, multiple medical complications.
We aim to let our members – and everyone — know they are not alone with this disease and help them maintain a sense of hope and optimism, learn ways of coping with their PN problems and concerns, and grow in confidence and self-worth.
We do this by:
- Sharing personal PN stories
- Discussing such issues as pain, numbness, medication, diet, exercise, treatments, doctors, and research
- Maintaining a list of medications
- Maintaining lists of recommended doctors and other professionals, including neurologists, podiatrists, physical therapists and nutritionists
- Providing information on and/or copies of recent articles, reports and studies on PN
- Arranging for guest speakers at our monthly meetings
- Coordinating with and assisting the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy, and the Hereditary Neuropathy Foundation
- Helping organize
A current list of leaders is here.
The Tough Part About Senior Support Groups
Here’s a five-minute presentation that talks about the dilemma of a Neuropathy support group.

Helping to Organize Other PN Support Groups
At the current time, we are the only PN support group in the DC area. To attend our meetings some people must travel long distances. There are hundreds of thousands of PN patients in the DC area, with a like number of caregivers. Many others are impacted when, as symptoms intensify, patients cannot maintain their activities, including work. One of our goals is to help organize PN support groups in other parts of the DC metro area. This is difficult during the pandemic, as we are only meeting via Zoom.