Dr. Clarke presents Saturday on Mind & Body

The topic for our February 5th meeting will be “The Mind-Body Approach to Chronic Pain” with David Clarke, MD, president of the Psychophysiologic Disorders Association as our speaker.  He is the author of the best selling book They Can’t Find Anything Wrong.

Our topic was inspired by an October 17, 2021, article in The Washington Post titled Chronic Pain’s Secret Off Switch. The author, Nathaniel Frank, states that “it’s increasingly clear that chronic pain is often ‘neuroplastic’–generated in the brain in a misbegotten effort to protect us from danger.” This concept is certainly of interest to those of us with PN involving chronic pain. The article can be found at:


Dr. Clarke has provided us with a self-assessment tool that can help determine if a mind-body connection “is contributing significantly to your symptoms.” The questionnaire can be found at: 

Psychophysiologic Disorders Self-Assessment Questionnaire

After our Q & A session, we will continue with open discussion of topics of interest to our group. A brief discussion will be held to gauge interest in a possible March panel on cannabis use in the management of PN. 

The formal meeting will end at 4:00, but members may continue their discussion and socialize afterwards. Please be sure to pass the word about our group (JOIN at dcpnsupport.org), as well as Steve’s new group, the Bethesda/Chevy Chase PN Support Group: steve.klitzman@gmail.com 

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