A good diet includes a variety of whole foods

Six food rules for a happier brain

Six Food Rules For A Stronger Brain


Food is an important element of our PN self care. But nutrition is one of those issues that seems to be a confusing garden of ideas and concepts. Plus, eating out, which may be part of our social strategy, offers few good choices for keeping our diet in check.

Many neurologists say, “Treat every PN patient like a diabetic, whether they show symptoms or not“.

This is because maintaining good glucose levels and preventing sugar spikes is helpful for all of us. Turns out a good low-carbohydrate/high-protein diet and emphasis on more natural, non-processed meals are good for everyone, diabetic or not.

This article, from the CNBC “Make It” newsletter, gives us six easy-to-remember suggestions on keeping our brain sharp. And the brain, after all, is our body’s connection to our neuropathy.,

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